The porch of
Robert E. Lee Hall.
A classical beginning to the architectural legacy of
Black Mountain College.
Joseph Alber's
drawing class on the huge porch of
R.E.L. Hall.
Very olde South,
especially with the blooming
dogwoods in front.
Early student study.
Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer
with their proposed buildings
at the
Black Mountain College meeting,
The Museum of Modern Art,
New York
Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer
Lake Eden Campus
architectural model.
A. Lawrence Kocher
Kocher takes over the design and building
of the new Studies Building
since there was not enough moo-la
for the Gropius/Breuer building.
A. Lawrence Kocher
Central building for Lake Eden Campus
Studies Building construction
Fall 1940
It was built by the students and faculty.
Studies Building
Completed wing
View of the building from across the lake.
My view
New and improved student study in the building.
So great, so simple.
View from above on a snowy winter day.
A. Lawrence Kocher
Alexander Reed
Paul Beider
Lake Eden dining hall and theater.
This is now the heart of a Christian boys camp.
Joseph Alber's drawing class
Chair by Josef Albers adapted from
a traditional Mexican design.
(Seen above and below in situ.)
Mary Gregory
Modular wooden units used as
stools, tables and sculpture stands.
Concetta Scaravaglione and Isaac Nakata
putting the Mary Gregory "units" to good use.
Summer 1946
A. Lawrence Kocher
Chair of molded plywood
A. Lawrence Kocher
Side table and stool
These are great. Why can't I find these in an
antique mall down here?
Mary Gregory
Wooden plates
Woodworking Shop
Mary Gregory is at left.
The Cowboy and Dorky guy are unknown....
A. Lawrence Kocher
Detail of the custom bookcases
built by the Woodworking Shop.
Paul Williams, Albert Lanier, Warren Outten, Si Sillman, Bernard Karp,
Alex Morse, Ralph Chernoff and Ragland Watkins
(Ragland should have been a Blues artist, not an architect with that moniker.)
Buckminster Fuller in his studio
Summer 1948
Buckminster Fuller
"The Supine Dome"
This dome was supposed to be 22 feet high and was made of
Venetian blind strips.
It was a failure.
Buckminster Fuller
"Dome of thirty-one-great-circle structure
of tubular beads and continuous
internal cable with double heat-sealed pneumatic,
transparent skin"
Designed and constructed at the Institute of Design,
Chicago 1948-49
Tested at Black Mountain College
Summer 1949
Demonstration of lightness
Demonstration of plastic skin
Demonstration of strength
Students casting parts of a Bucky Dome
Summer 1949
Kenneth Snelson
"Early X Piece"
Wood and nylon
Richard Lippold
"Devotion 1"
Brass, stainless steel and bronze
Paul Williams
Designed 1949
Constructed 1949-53
Paul Williams
Designed in collaboration with Robert Turner
(Additional workroom and open shed designed by Jack Rice
Summer 1953)
Hunky Paul Williams
"Black Mountain Chairs"
Jacqueline Herrmann Gourevitch